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- 01702 343 062
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- 38/40 Ceylon Rd
Westcliff on Sea
Essex SS0 7HP

- Development of Weston Road Project (Aug-09)
This exciting project will provide 9 self contained flats within minutes walk from southend high street and all the amenities that are close by and will benefit from a communcal area for people to meet and socialise whilst having their own generous flat for their independance.
- Supported living computerisation (Apr-09)
It is our intention for the supported living schemes to benefit from the computersiation that the care homes have had in the near future.
- Opening of Stambridge Road (Apr-09)
As a specialist supported living scheme, the Stambridge Road project will be able to cater for 5 individuals in a adapted bungalow who have learning disabilites with physical and sensory impairment and has ben received very positively by Caste Point and Rochford Social Services.
- Opening of Inverness (Mar-09)
This supported living scheme will be for 3 people in westcliff and is opening in March 2009
- IIP accrediatation process (Feb-09)
We have requested that we be reviewed against the Investors in People standard and staff are being interviewed in February 2009. We previoulsy were considered to have met the standard in 2002 and becuase of the good work that we do, have committed to continue to work in accordance to the ideals of this approach.
- Stakholder Satisfaction Feedback and Surveys (Jan-09)
We completed our annual survey and found that satisfaction with our approach and services had imprved since last year and in many areas we exceed the standards and overall we stand at ovr 75% satisfaction!
- City and guilds accrediatiaion (Nov-08)
Based on our commitment to the improved training and development opporutnities afforded to staff, we have been recognised and acreditated as a City and Guilds approved training centre.
- Opening of Threedom (Nov-08)
This 3 person supported living scheme was designed and built specifically for the 3 girls who moved into their new home. The scheme is based upon the principles of self directed support and individual budgets and we have worked closely with southend borough council to make this happen.
- Implementation of Sharepoint (Oct-08)
This online collaberative software tool has begun to be rolled out, intitially to the Senior Management Team with a view of all staff being able to acces it and relevant information about the organisation and their role.
- Chartered institute of health accreditation (Sep-08)
With accrediation our training courses are now fully complaint and approved at the highest level.
- Quality Assurance Systems enhancement including audits and subgroups (Sep-08)
The audits from the revamped quality documentation set along with quality assurance inititaves and memberships like ISO and IIP have been combined and implemented across the organsiation to provide a framework of being able to systematically review and imprve the services we provide.
- Opening of Arlington (Aug-08)
A two person supported living scheme opened for 2 young men who had know each other since childhood and have had specialist adaptation made to their new home.
- Business Plan update (Jul-08)
The mid year update of the business plan was shared with all staff and was opened for consideration and consultation for input into deciding the way forward for the organsiation involving all stakeholder.
- ISO accreditation (Jul-08)
Our systems and processes were deemed to meet the internation quality standard in July 2008 and we are now an accreditated ISO organisation.
- Refurbishments (Jul-08)
Four of the residential care homes in southend were refurbishmed throughout during this period including replastering, recarepeting, redecorating and refurnishing. Everyone showed considerable patience and worked hard for what all agree are now wonderful homes of which all can be proud.
- Department restructuring (Jun-08)
As part of our ongoing review of how we are organsiaed and structured, we have developed clearer reporting and line management responibsilities for the different activities that we are engaged in across community support, residential care, supported livign, day opportunties, quality assurance, training and development, administration and service development and the organisation chart has been updated and shared with all.
- Formation of Senior Management Team (Jun-08)
The organsaition senior managers have now moved to share an office and work closer together at the head office which has improved communication, strategy and mnagement across the organsiation and is clearly delivering positive results.
- Appointment of Training and development and Quality Assurance Manager (May-08)
As part of our commitment to the ongoing development of the staff and quality of the organistion, we have created the position of Learning, Development and Quality Manager. Claire May is a member of the Senior Mnaagement Team reflecting the importance of this role to the future of the organsiation.
- computerisation and Internet connection across homes (Apr-08)
computers at head office and across the care homes are internet connected and able to communciate with each other. With the development of Caresys , Sharepoint and other tools we expect for greater benefits to follow.
- Implementation of Caresys (Apr-08)
Many aspectd of this computer software system have been intriduced and have improved efficiency and communication across the organsiation and make it easier to find and access inforamtion. There is much more work to do that will yield further benefits and efficienes and the process is ongoing.
- Telephone system upgrade (Mar-08)
All telephones within the offices and care homes have now been connected onto the same system and allow for internal dialing as well as Voice over Internet Telephony
- Opening of Ramuz (Feb-08)
A 3 person supported living scheme was opened to great delight for the individuals who moved in together and had settled in well to their home.
- New policies and procedures (Jan-08)
The organisation entire policies and procedures were revamped and now link directly with each of the care standards as well as have audits in place to ensure compliance with the what is said within them.